Health & Safety Representative training will help you to gain skills in working with leaders and workers to ensure there are systems in place to manage the health and safety of the workers, manage risks, engage and involve workers, manage emergencies, foster good employment relations and act in good faith.

Health and Safety Representative Training - Stage 2

NZQA 30265 - Apply Health and Safety assessment to a job role - Level 3, 8 Credits 

NZQA 17601 - Produce an occupational Health and Safety Incident Investigation - Level 4, 6 Credits

Course overview:

This course is for Health and Safety Representatives who have completed the Stage 1 training. This advanced course reviews the role of the Health and Safety Representative and builds on the skills, knowledge and competencies developed in the Stage 1 course.

Trainees will gain an understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 legislation; reinforce organisations safety practices and procedures, identify hazards and risks, participate in risk assessments, develop and monitor control measures for effectiveness.

This health and safety representative course provides Health & Safety Representatives with the tools to be able to become an effective health and safety leader in the workplace. It builds on learning from Stage 1 and covers the key components of hazard management and incident investigation.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the principles of health and safety risk assessment. Achieve an understanding of hazards, significant hazards and serious harm in relation to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

  • Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry good practice. Learn how to identify hazards and implement control measures. Learn how to control measures for effectiveness.
  • Explain why workplace accidents need to be reported and investigated. Learn how to explain the difference between a hazard and a risk.
  • Explain and understand the concepts of multiple causation and root-cause analysis. Learn about the purpose of a hazard register and its advantages in managing risks as well as understand legislative requirements on incidents and accidents.  Barriers to reporting near miss incidents and how to overcome them.
  • Detail an incident investigation process using a hypothetical incident. Develop an awareness of human error principles. Learn how to conduct effective witness interviews. (Participate in a Team Exercise)
  • Produce an incident investigation report based on a documented incident. Understand the various components of the investigation process including, post incident, data collection, analysis and prevention.

Contact our office on 0800 270 959 for more information for onsite training options.


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Health and Safety Representative Training - Stage 2

NZQA 30265 - Apply Health and Safety assessment to a job role - Level 3, 8 Credits 

NZQA 17601 - Produce an occupational Health and Safety Incident Investigation - Level 4, 6 Credits

Course overview:

This course is for Health and Safety Representatives who have completed the Stage 1 training. This advanced course reviews the role of the Health and Safety Representative and builds on the skills, knowledge and competencies developed in the Stage 1 course.

Trainees will gain an understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 legislation; reinforce organisations safety practices and procedures, identify hazards and risks, participate in risk assessments, develop and monitor control measures for effectiveness.

This health and safety representative course provides Health & Safety Representatives with the tools to be able to become an effective health and safety leader in the workplace. It builds on learning from Stage 1 and covers the key components of hazard management and incident investigation.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the principles of health and safety risk assessment. Achieve an understanding of hazards, significant hazards and serious harm in relation to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

  • Apply health and safety risk assessment to a job role in accordance with regulatory requirements and industry good practice. Learn how to identify hazards and implement control measures. Learn how to control measures for effectiveness.
  • Explain why workplace accidents need to be reported and investigated. Learn how to explain the difference between a hazard and a risk.
  • Explain and understand the concepts of multiple causation and root-cause analysis. Learn about the purpose of a hazard register and its advantages in managing risks as well as understand legislative requirements on incidents and accidents.  Barriers to reporting near miss incidents and how to overcome them.
  • Detail an incident investigation process using a hypothetical incident. Develop an awareness of human error principles. Learn how to conduct effective witness interviews. (Participate in a Team Exercise)
  • Produce an incident investigation report based on a documented incident. Understand the various components of the investigation process including, post incident, data collection, analysis and prevention.

Contact our office on 0800 270 959 for more information for onsite training options.


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Upcoming Courses

Health & Safety Representative - Stage 2

Monday 14 Apr 2025
Tuesday 15 Apr 2025

33a Springs Road, East Tamaki, Auckland

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Health & Safety Representative - Stage 2

Tuesday 29 Apr 2025
Wednesday 30 Apr 2025

33a Springs Road, East Tamaki, Auckland

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